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Donations Are Gratefully Received

All donations support the great work our volunteers do in providing free-of-charge services to those in need. Donations also help us focus on helping others rather than fundraising.


As no one gets paid at Antara, all donations go directly toward helping those in need. We are a registered charity with inland revenue and all donations larger than $5 are tax deductible.


One of the best ways people can help is by setting up a regular monthly donation, as small regular donations make a huge difference to us.


One-off and monthly donations can also be paid to the Antara Association using Kiwi bank account number 38-9014-0735631-00.

One-off donations can also be made by filling in the form.

Please note that all donations over $5 are tax deductible.

Please email us at with your details should you need a receipt.


Thank you, thank you, thank you   x

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